Our home valuation tool is one of the most innovative, dynamic financial dashboards in real estate! Using your property address, a computer estimated market value of your home will be generated. This is not an official appraisal. Once you submit your home’s information, we will send you this report that will be generated on your behalf.
Understanding the dynamics of your market, your competition and the homes that have recently sold is critical in determining the right value of your home. Our platform will provide you with this important information so that you have the knowledge that you need in today’s market.
There are many factors that are used in determining a home’s value. A computer-generated estimate is only the beginning and relies on information that is publicly available for local market transactions. Computer estimated calculations are never as precise as what an experienced agent would provide since there are so many factors to consider in assessing the value of your home. If you are thinking of selling your home, it would be our pleasure to provide you with a more thorough and accurate market value for your home.